Welcome to our FAQ page, where you'll find quick and easy answers to common questions about our products, services, and policies. If you can't locate the answer you're looking for, our customer support team is always here to assist you.

We offer free worldwide shipping to all orders.

We aim to dispatch your item as quickly as possible, but this depends on our workshop location and the size of your product. Once dispatched, you'll receive a tracking link, so you can look forward to the arrival of your stunning, new simply boho piece.

For more information on our Shipping Policy see here.

Global shipping:
The estimated shipping time for all our products is 2-3 weeks, including a processing time of 1-6 days. Some special simplyboho pieces might take an extra 1-2 weeks for delivery due to their unique nature. Large custom-made items may take up to 12 weeks.

Read more in our shipping policy here.

Customs, VAT, handling fees:
Enjoy free worldwide shipping on all orders. Any customs duties, VAT or carrier fees are already factored in, regardless of where you're ordering from.

Yes! Once your item has been shipped, you'll be emailed a tracking link so you can track the journey of your item from our distribution centre to your home.

You'll be prompted at checkout to add your discount code. To avoid any issues, we recommend you copy and paste it in.

We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our full price furniture and decor. Something wrong with your product? Notify us within 30 days of receiving it, and we'll replace or refund you for your purchase.

Terms and conditions apply. You can find out more in our returns policy here.

At simplyboho, we offer digital swatches to help you find the perfect match for your space. Just email us at hello@simply-boho.co.uk with your desired designs, and we'll send high-quality digital swatches your way. It’s quick, eco-friendly, and perfect for fine-tuning your vision.

No, we function as an online only shop. Our dedicated customer care team is available to assist with any queries.

Absolutely. At simplyboho, we cherish working alongside designers and businesses through our Trade Programme. Enjoy trade discounts and personalised support. Join us in crafting stunning, boho-inspired spaces by reaching out at hello@simply-boho.co.uk. Let's create beauty together.

When you choose Worry-Free Purchase, Seel uses a small fee to purchase Carbon Credits, helping offset the carbon emissions from delivering your order.

How does seel calculate carbon emissions?
Seel considers several factors to estimate the carbon footprint of your delivery, including item weight, warehouse location, delivery address, packaging materials and delivery method.

How does Seel offset these emissions?
Seel purchases QAS Approved carbon credits to support various environmental projects worldwide. These projects include:

  • Methane Capture
  • Wind Power
  • Reforestation
  • Clean Water Initiatives

By choosing Worry-Free Purchase, you’re helping contribute to a greener planet with every delivery.

simply boho

Here for you and your home
Free worldwide shipping above £100
Here to help, whenever you need us
Expertly crafted to the highest quality
Flexible payment optionsFor